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Specialised Courses

Immersion in Chinese-English Bilingual and Multilingual Acquisition

Each class has a foreign lead teacher, and more than half of the subjects are taught by a combination of foreign and Chinese teachers, with students spending more than 20 lessons a week on English language learning. From the first year onwards, the school offers Japanese, French, Korean, German, Spanish and other second languages (two lessons per week), which students can choose independently according to their own interests.


Expanding and deepening the scope of textbook content

In addition to meeting the requirements of the National Curriculum, project-based learning, enquiry pedagogy and transdisciplinary learning are used to develop students’ understanding of cause and effect by integrating knowledge from multiple domains at the macro level and exploring them in depth at the micro level. In the implementation of the curriculum, we emphasize the school-based national curriculum, the international- ization of characteristic courses, and the localization of international courses. Example.

  • Languages: Reading + Literature + Chu Culture + Calligraphy
  • Maths: National Curriculum + Singapore Maths (taught in both English and Chinese)
  • UOI Inquiry Courses: Artificial Intelligence, Market Economics, Yangtze River Ecological Conservation, etc.

Beyond the Classroom

100+ CCA (Co-curricular activities) available, as well as project-based learning, student union activities and boarding activities. The school also offers academic outreach explorations tailored to each student (math competition club, business training, language or math support, etc.)

ISA Wuhan International Academy is for students inside and outside the school, carefully builds more than 20 kinds of inside and outside the classroom top international quality education system, aims to share more ISA’s high-quality educational resources to the whole society, encourages the children to fully develop their own interests and specialities, for the future of higher education, employment planning help.

Various field trip programmes are conducted on a regular basis. Students will go into corporations, manufacturing industries, financial industries, museums, sailing centres, wetland parks, etc., extending classroom education beyond the school premises and making learning happen every time.
